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[Video] Growth vs. Value Stocks: What's the Difference? Thumbnail

[Video] Growth vs. Value Stocks: What's the Difference?

At different periods of time, the stock market appears to favor one of two stock types - value stocks or growth stocks. As you watch what’s happening in the markets, it’s important to know what the difference is between the two. In regards to your own portfolio, you may find that a mix of value and growth investments could provide a healthy and diverse assortment. Work with your investment advisor before making any decisions regarding your portfolio.

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Corrections are normal? Yes, they are. (video) Thumbnail

Corrections are normal? Yes, they are. (video)

Why invest in the equity markets? Day-to-day volatility can be unsettling to watch. Corrections happen, but they don’t last forever. This short video gives you an overview of corrections in equity markets, and compares the upturns to the downturns.

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What can we expect for the rest of 2022? Thumbnail

What can we expect for the rest of 2022?

At the beginning of the year, we expected the start of a rate tightening cycle by global central banks. What we hadn’t expected was above-average interest rate increases, the invasion of Ukraine and its impact on energy and food prices, and supply chain disruptions caused by the zero-COVID policy in China...

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